Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I love humanity - I just hate people!

I keep promising to make this blog a little less serious, but I guess I'm on a bit of a "serious bender". But then again, when do any of us get to be serious anymore? Sure, all day long, people say, "Hi, how are you", but, from your local barista to your best friend, most of the time nobody really wants to know the answer to that question. They want you to say, "I'm great, sunhine, rainbows, puppy dog tails ..." I have one word for that, blecccchhh. Blech to insincerity, blech to fakeness, blech to over-the-top "love you", "sweetheart", "honey", baby" calling everybody. Before you go thinking I'm too judgmental, I'm definitely including myself here. I've found myself falling into the whole rhythm of this new-age-way-of-life, i.e. Met somebody twice, call them darling, say "love you" when you part. I mean, saying it the first time would be downright gauche, but you've met twice, right!

Sometimes I think I would like the world to return to common civility. Does that sound victorian of me? Oh, well, I keep on thinking that manners, that true gratitude are worth striving for.

I always get a little off topic, though, because this particular blog is about lying. Yes, lying. We all do it. We all claim we do it to save the feelings of others. That in itself is the biggest lie. I cannot recount one single time in my life when someone has lied to me to save my feelings, or, conversely, when I have lied to save someone else's feelings. We lie to protect ourselves, to shield ourselves. And not just from the consequences of our actions. No, no, it's not that simple. We are complex creatures. We lie in part to shield ourselves from the reflection in the eyes of the people we're hurting. Every single lie hurts somebody, every single one.

I know, I know, you're thinking, what about if somebody asks me if I like their new sweater, and I hate it. Do I say, "No, I hate it"? Come on, be a grown up, there's a big difference between honesty and blatant meanness. You can probably say, "Beautiful colour", "Nice neckline", or find something else that's "true" to say. Just don't lie.

Don't you think it would be a better world if no one lied? Come on, be honest :)

Think of all the possibilities!!! The best one, the most important one, is that we would get to live in a world we could believe in. Good or bad, good and bad, it all goes together, it all works together. We all are weak, we all are strong, we all are good, we all are bad. Wouldn't it be nice to achieve that commonality? I mean, sure, there are the Gandhis, and the Mother Teresas of this world, but, for most of us, we're just ordinary frail, flawed people.

Okay, to the point. This is coming from a serious place. How do you continue to believe somebody who lies to you? How do you find a place in your head, in your heart, where you can do that. No matter how much you love them, how???

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." Martin Luther King Jr.

But, in the meantime, here's a rainbow for you :)

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