Friday, July 18, 2008

It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book

Okay, this is the first blog. We'll see if this strange impulse to convey my thoughts and feelings to the world is ongoing.

I've been meaning to write a book for some time now called Grow-The-F-*-*-k-Up. It's for all of those, all of us, including me, who would blame the choices we make, ascribe responsibility for the things that we do, to some misfortune or unfairness we believe has been perpetrated against us long ago. Get over it, grow up, get on with your life. Even if there is reincarnation, even if there are alternate universes, THIS IS YOUR ONE SHOT AT THIS! Whatever "this" is, this is your shot. Take it already.

I know, I know, it comes off as bitchy, arrogant, know-it-all, but I don't think that's it, not really. Of course, we are a culmination of all that we've been, all that we've seen, all that we've felt and heard, but, at the end of the day, the choice is ours. Your mother beat you. Well, that's over now. Your father didn't like you. Don't think about it. Some pervert touched you when you were young. All righty then ... that was then, this is now. This is your now, and you get to choose who touches you, both physically and metaphysically. You get to decide who you touch. And I think that's the point, leave a mark, make an impact, but be sure that it's the one you want.

There's the serious blog that is the crux of how this blog gets going. It won't always be serious, I promise you. I find life amusing in the extreme. I am constantly and chronically moved, disappointed, thrilled, elated, devastated by the actions and inaction of people around me.

All right, anyone who is taking the time to read this rather boring blog ... GO AND BE BRILLIANT!

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